The season of Night of The Phantoms is here! Have you done the latest adventure yet? Tell us by commenting and support us by following! Thank you for your visit! ~Sweetpanda56789
Showing posts with label Den items. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Den items. Show all posts

Thursday, November 6, 2014

New Den+New Adventure+New Den Set+Adorableness...?

Meow jammers! :3
So it's meh posting after a whiiilllleeee.
Hmm, I'm only gonna be posting on Mondays and Thursdays from now on.
I'm getting authors for the rest of the week. (post coming soon!)
Anyways, it's an Update Thursday!
Today we have an epic update!

Hmm! So it's simply GREAT!!!
Head to the Diamond Shop today and grab it for 7 diamonds! :D
If you don't have enough diamonds to afford one, make sure you preview the den!
It's sort of village-ish and is situated on the sky! :D
There are also four wonders, gigantic ones-enough space for decoration! <3
Hmm, I might be getting one... Idk... I have 41 diamonds... So.. Maybe... Ugh.... IDK!!!

Filled with naturalistic scenery and slides.
Up above the clouds so high...Like a huge den in the sky. XD

Comment Call 1: Are you getting one? What is your opinion about this den? ^.^

Aww! These new adorablies have arrived at the diamond shop (as in the leaked images from twitter).
As heard from your guesses, YEP!!! It's the Polar Bears coming soon!
Don't forget to watch that COOL video to have an idea about them.. Hehe!

Leaked picture from AJINSIDERS Twitter account!

I think that's the actual future cookie! x3
Again in the diamond shop and for 10 diamonds again! >.<
They sure do seem nice and huge though.. anddd they can even go underwater! :D

Comment Call 2: Are you getting a Polar Bear? What is your opinion about them?

CONFUSING!!! Sure is... >.<
I made it to the center and got 2 amazing gifts!

Cornstalk Lantern (left) and Harvest Cart (right).

These new items will be nice to be put on the new den! C;

Meanwhile getting to the center, you can collect special colored keys to unlock the same colored chests to get prizes! :T
Not to hard to get the chests, but to the center AHH!!!

Comment Call 3: Have you done this adventure yet? What's your opinion about it? ^.^

This is an Autumn adventure meaning Autumn is here!
In edition to that, AJ Jewel will soon be getting it's new Autumn theme!
And so has AJ already got it... XD

Also there's a new (returning actually) Jam -A-Gram and Icons!

New Jam-A-Gram and new Hot Cocoa Icon
Snowflake Icon

Bitter Sweets has left Jamaa occasionally, replacing it with Twists and Turn!

I will be doing a tutorial on how to get to the center shortly!

Now let's continue to the fourth page! :3

Weeee! So it finally arrived! As I thought so! :)
And yay! The Ice Armor is on sale! Best time to get the set! :DDD

Interesting items for people who like fashion and stuff! x3

Here's how it was decorated on the Jamaa Journal!

You could copy this, adding a floor and a wall! C:

Okay so that was the end of the Jamaa Journal!
Whoa, only four pages!
But the update was pawesome! 
Whad'cha' think? ^.<

Anyways, there's a new item... :O

I think this came out today... :o
The elephants seem cute in the machine but not when you get one! >.<

A new post is coming about being an author soon!
If you want to apply then check this blog often to read the post!
Anyways, that's all for today!
Play wild! ^.<

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Skeleton Suit and Candy Wonderland!

Meow jammers!
Sorry, I have missed a lot of posts lately. >.<
I might have come online but not posted.
Ik, I'm becoming lazy these days...
I am thinking about getting a few more authors, I'll make a post about it sooner.
Anyway, today's item is a bit of spooky...

It is found at Epic Wonders.
I think it's simply awkward. XP
I wish it glowed, then it could have been spookier.
Anyway, I think this is only fit for a tiger? x3

Btw, when I clicked the den orb at Epic Wonders; I saw that the items are on sale!!!

Best time to get the items!
They were so expensive! :O
It will be easier if you are making a brick collection now. :P
Hopefully, the clothings will be on sale too!

Well, my friend, Xxdell74xX made a candy shop, but it is in her spare account 'Juccuzzi'.
Lol. That's one confusing username, but I sure do like it! :D
Anyways, here are some snapshots!

At the corners of the den, there are counters.

This is where the chocolates are being made from.

Barrels full of chocolate gems.

The counter to the left. There are even candy windows!

The place for a candy boss!
The chair in which the Arctic Wolf is sleeping is called the Candy Sofa. 
It may be hard to get one...

For today, I will do an Item Hunt!

The item is:


It is a seldom earned item from Bitter Sweets.
You probably get it at 1000 candies! Darn! >.<
Sorry, I don't have a picture of the item, and never seen it too.
I heard people say it's quite a very rare item!
So be sure to get one! ^.^
Hopefully, I will try and get one; and then, feature it on my blog! :3

Here is the Comment Question, related to the new adventure for then:

How many candies can you get at an average from Bitter Sweets? Have you ever got above 700? 

Anyway, that's all for today!
P.S I might not be able to post tomorrow since I might be going to the Cinemas.
And the new post about applying to be an author will be here in 3 days!
Okay bye!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trapped Phantom and War back at the Diamond Shop!

Meow jammers!
Today we have a long returning item back at the Diamond Shop!

It's quite cheap! Yay!
They come in different shapes and thunder colors, more amazing. XP
I think more stuff will be returning soon in the diamond shop! :O
Is it yay or nay for you? XD/DX
As far as I remember, you could get this item with a code...
There were different - oh wait, nope! This was a monthly member gift! :P

Comment Question: Do you like to see good stuff returning back at the Diamond Shop? Any reasons? :)

Well, anyway. Seems like the Gold Phantom Statues have changed their names hereby!

Owe! So this one seems to have a long name, huh? XD
I'm likewise to be trading it! Any offers? :3

Here's a good news:
I will be featuring how to do the 'Time Glitch' in the TFD adventure!
(TFD=The Forgotten Desert)
I will also be featuring 'How To Be A Land Animal in TFD'  very soon!
So keep your eyes peeled, they will be here by the next two months! :P

Anyway, we are supposed to receive our weekly diamonds today, but for some kind of reasons we didnt!
Jammers became angry on the and cause a strike back there at the Diamond Shop!

Hmm. So lot's of comments, huh? XD
Are you angry on them in the same way too?!
Well, I know, this isn't really fair! D:
Some jammers were saying they have changed the day of the week in which we should get out diamonds....
So far, it seems like we'll get it later on. C:
What do you think, jammers?
Anyway, that remains a mystery.

Here are some Diamond Shop lines:

It will soon rain diamonds and fill up oceans!
We should be able to buy diamonds with gems!
We should get 3 diamonds per week!
Diamonds should be removed!
Diamond Shop items should be cheaper.
There should be point version of diamonds (1 item 0.5 diamonds)
And bla bla blaaaaah!
So which ones do you agree with? Let us know in the comments! :P
He-he. Ik, some are awkward, but those are suggestions from jammers like you! :T

Anyway, that leaves us with today's topic: The Diamond Shop
You can discuss about it in the comments!
Anyways, that's all I got for today, folks! ^.^
See you tomorrow with more Jamtastic fun! :)
Chow and play wild! ;)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bulky Golden Phantom and some awkward stuff o.o

Meow jammers!
Sunday, so I am sort of free. Anyway, tomorrow, school is closed for some kinda reasons that I don't know exactly what it is...
Anyway, Night of The Phantoms are in their way, and in celebration of that, arrives today's new item!

I'm surprised how it only costs 'A' diamond. o.o
Yay! -Bursts in happiness-
This item was released as Monthly-Member-Gift like a while ago.
Today it's brought back but with a new first word 'Bulky'. XD
So generally, I think the other Golden Phantoms are going to be returning soon!
Be sure to purchase one of these spooky items for your Spooky Den, which will be coming soon!

Speaking of spooky stuff, I have a little spooky cavern in my den!

My den is unlocked, usually!
Feel free to visit it anytime you wish. :D
And in case you don't know my user, here it is: Sweetpanda56789

Autumn is here, and very soon the Night of the Phantoms will be here!
Relating to Autumn, this blog will soon be getting it's new templates featuring the current season Autumn!
Is it Autumn for where you live? It's Autumn for me here, and we have 6 seasons the whole year round.

The leaves of Jamaa have started to fall!
In Autumn, leaves become orangey. I sure do hope that you all know that. XD

This is Autumn in real life.
Isn't it so beautiful? :D
Really love the season Autumn! ^.^

Comment Question: Which is you favorite season of all? Why?

If you ask me, my fave season is Spring. I really love the nature! :)

Anyway, as the heading says, here are the really awkward moments of AJ today!

So we all had dressed up as carrots today. XD
We were just getting bored, so we decided to team up and do this!
Big shout-out to jammers from the AJS: Blingbling02, Cloudclaws, Pandahearn, Akachip8967, Arcticjammer9910 and Jammer133166 for helping in taking the snaps!
It was really, fun, hope you were there too. :C
Maybe next time, you can also join! :D

This uncommon idea was about Carrots whom an Evil Panda chops. XD
I know, really awkward, huh? XD
Today was really fun, and mentioning the word 'today' here are two quotes:

This one was made by my classmate. :)

And this one was made by me!

Anyway, that's all for today!
See you in Jamaa! ^.^
Play wild! C:

Watch out for the new look of this blog COMING SOON!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Papyrus Scrolls & New Trading System

Hello Jammers! Today's new item is located in Jam Mart Furniture,be sure to purchase the newest addition to the Egyptian Den Item Set the Papyrus Scrolls,for 400 Gems!

This is a really neat Egyptian Item as its mysterious like your an Animal Jam Detective! This is a great new addition to the Egyptian Den Set & Its Non-Member! Moving on,here is today's DE Post all about the brand new Egyptian Den Set!

Speaking of cool updates,have any of you noticed that AJHQ have completely remodeled the Trading System which is much easier to use and you can see who your trading!

Moving on,two brand new videos have been released in Brady's Theater and the Sarepia Theater: Worlds Weirdest: Flying Foxes How Many Types Of Alligator Have You Seen?

That's about it for today's post! Happy Jamming!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bonsai Tree

Hiya everyone! ^o^
So im posting again. Hopefully Sweetpanda will be back soon! c:
The new item is the bonsai tree.
Aww it's so cute. ^-^
Really really cute. ^-^
Also, it's for all - jammers! Yay! :D
But sad that nonmembers can't get the colors and styles of the bonsai trees. *cry*
Oh well. ;-;
But here's a random crazy bonsai xD
Lol :p
Anywho, here's the DE post! c:
Argh, i forgot to enter. >.<
Maybe i will win the otter one though. >:3
K, that's all i have for today! Bye! ^o^

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Peck Portrait

So it's me, cloudclaws. Im posting because sweetpanda cannot post at the moment. D:
But anywho, let's get on with the new item which is the Peck Portrait!
Yay! Peck! :D
I <3 Peck. :p
Im sorta starting to like these portraits. c:
Also, i love the background color. It's awesome. :D
Now all that's left is Greely and Graham. ^o^
Speaking of Sir Gilbert and Peck, doncha realize they haven't been in the adventures yet? Poor Peck & Gilbert! ;-;
Moving on, here's the DE post. ^-^
Woof! National dog day. Yay! :3
But i like cats better though. No offense. Dogs are still great though. ^-^
On the other hand, the monkey claw is leaving Jamaa D:
But this means that there will be a new claw coming, so yay! :D
Okay, that's all i have for today! Bye. :3
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