Hey jammers!
Soo, its me, Cloudclaws.
I decided ill be posting today, since there was a pawsome update today. :)
Ill have to copy the post of my own blog though, i have very little time and i have to be at school at 8:45 tomorrow because i have to go to touch football.
Eagles are finally here in Jamaa! :D
Oh boy! They sure do look awesome! C:
But wait, hold on a second..
*sees the words "diamond shop"*
Oh well, i kinda knew they would be in the diamond shop. Many people are angry about this, including me. *sob*
They still sure do look pawsome though..i met one in Jamaa and we buddies each other. :)
Yep, they fly even when they're standing.
And here's them sleeping! ^.^
Aww, that's so adorable and creative. ^_^
But to make up, there's even more ways to get diamonds now! C:
Credit goes to Rockytop2
...Which means more money for AJHQ.
But is AJ headquarters really that desperate for money...?
There's also some fantastic new items in the diamond shop. :)
But some people might be angry because the betas have returned. What do you think? Good? Bad? OK?
SO quite a few betas returning, but i think the Snowclouds and
Rainclouds that where given out as a monthly member gift are still rare.
Speaking of Monthly Gifts, i got reminded of how much i miss them. ;-;
But wait..Are those clouds nonmember!?
And by the way, AJHQ has released a brand new game, Swoopy Eagle!
The arcade and be purchased and the Diamond shop and you can play it for free in Coral Canyons. :D
Credit goes to Rockytop2
The logo for the game kinda looks like Animal jam's one.. except it was cacti instead of leaves and a different font. :P
So basically, you have to click the mouse to fly and avoid all the cacti. ^.^
I think its really fun, im gonna play it tomorrow! C:
Here's the next page. :)
Yay! Pet tigers! I think AJHQ should also make a snow leopard pet, what do you think? ;)
Oh, and what AJ means by eagles reaching new lands is that eagles cad
reach places that used to be only reachable by the skyway glitches! ^.^
So now you can explore the skies of Jamaa. :D
Anyway, on to the new item, the hockey skates! ^_^
They look very stylish..But these should have been nonmember since the other skates are member too.
And i guess that's all for today.